Friday, July 16, 2010

The Phenomenon of Funny Motivation Posters

By: Amy Twain

  • The Phenomenon of Funny Motivation Posters
  • Funny Motivational Posters

Several Internet netizens have noticed a latest craze or phenomenon generating on the World Wide Web, namely funny motivation posters. These posters, made by numerous nameless comedians, feature everything from house cats and dogs to hilarious bloopers and screw ups caught on tape.

Okay, so they might not motivate at all, but they do entertain, and as such there has been a demand to create many of them, as most individuals try to go for the biggest and brightest laugh. This sudden occurrence of funny motivational posters (also known as "meme" in internet lingo) stretches well beyond the borders of merely giving motivation. Most often, they are utilized to briefly state a point, simply entertain, or maybe comment on a picture.

Can I Make My Own Funny Motivation Poster? Sure you can, be my guest-this is the Internet! Anyway, who would want to stop freedom? Let's say that you took a photo of your cat or dog standing at the top of your mailbox. Then, after cropping it and centering it in the frame, you may think that it is guarding your mailbox. Therefore, you place in some large text at the bottom that reads "Guard Cat" or "Guard Dog" and then don't forget to add some subtitles such as: "This fellow protects us from bills." See, there you go, it's as easy as 1-2-3.

But What Really Goes Into a Funny Motivation Poster? Although the images or pictures in these posters may actually vary, the format is still the same and unified. Any simple or basic black border, divided by another black border with a white (or any other lightly-colored) line, with a few big words at the bottom, plus with an image inside. The big words or phrases are often followed by a short comment to make sure the viewer understands or gets the joke, and usually this set up mocks more appropriate (yet less entertaining) motivation posters. Those kinds of images and scenes are easy to create, and most individuals have made easily blank templates and altered and modified images to make sure that anybody could easily make their own right away.

But This Is Not Motivation At All! Yes, yes, I heard you-- most of these posters really are not. As a matter of fact, some are thick or twisted with dark humor or some are intentionally depressing, and are even known as "Anti-Motivation Posters". There are times that they even comment on some other motivational posters. Whilst the earliest ones maintained a motivational theme or mood, well, that has long since been abandoned in favor of pure and original humor, and now, it is such a rare occurrence to see a poster which has anything to do with motivation.

So, Is This Legal-- it's just fine, provided that the image used in the poster is one you created yourself or has an open copyright. So, what are you waiting for? Anybody is free to join in the fun or perhaps even create a poster or a couple for yourself?

How To Turn A Dog Poster Into A Work Of Art

By: Caroline Kent

How To Turn A Dog Poster Into A Work Of Art
I know what you must be thinking. A dog poster? A work of art?

When we think of the word, 'poster,' most of us imagine a garish, wrinkled picture with tattered corners and torn edges, scotch-taped to the back of teen-ager's bedroom door or a college student's dormitory wall. Certainly, not a Van Gogh by any definition!

However, with all the great framing and laminating options available today, it is possible to turn your favorite dog or puppy print into a masterpiece that any dog lover would be proud to display!

A great option for protecting and displaying your dog prints is wood-mounting. Laminated, wood-mounted posters or prints are chic, appealing and appropriate in any surroundings!

When you choose to have your dog poster wood-mounted, it is fastened to a 3/8 inch wood fiber board and then laminated with an ultraviolet filtering film. This film insulates your dog poster or print from dirt, moisture, fingerprints and other potentially damaging elements.

Your wood-mounted dog poster is then trimmed, beveled and finished in black to create a beautiful, elegant piece of art!

Wood-mounting is available for most posters up to a certain size. If wood-mounting is not available for your preferred size dog poster, you can choose to have it laminated which will extend the life of the print.

The next time you're shopping online for a new dog or puppy poster to adorn your wall, take the time to consider your framing options. It might cost a little more to have your poster framed, mounted or matted, but the final result will be worth it. You'll have a stylish, attractive, well-preserved work of art that you'll be proud to display on any wall in your home!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Appenzeller Sennenhund Poster Gallery

Appenzeller Sennenhund Poster Gallery
Appenzeller Sennenhund Funny PosterAppenzeller Sennenhund Poster Picture

Beagle Funny Puppy Poster

Beagle Funny Puppy Poster

Beagle Funny Puppy

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Iceland Dog Poster

Iceland Dog Poster

Whippet Dogs Poster

Whippet Dogs Poster

Tibetan Mastiff Poster

Tibetan Mastiff Poster
Tibetan Mastiff Dogs

Brittany Spaniel Poster

Brittany Spaniel Poster